In the Press


Traditional and GenAI Text Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic Trends in Hospital Community Benefits IRS Documentation

Emily Hadley, Laura Marcial, Wes Quattrone, Georgiy Bobashev
Journal of Data Science

This article in the Journal of Data Science uses CBI data to examine how hospitals initiated, modified, or disbanded community benefits programming in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Data Science site


Hospital Community Benefit Reporting: How Group Reporting Practices Limit Accountability

Cory E Cronin, Simone Singh, Neeraj Puro, Berkeley Franz

This article in JPHMP uses CBI data to assess the prevalence of aggregate or “group” reporting. They find that over 40% of hospitals report in the aggregate, and that larger hospitals are more likely to do so.

See the article as it appears on the PubMed site

Provision of Social Care Services by US Hospitals

Bradley Iott, Denise Anthony
Milbank Quarterly

This article in The Milbank Quarterly combines CBI data with the 2018 AHA Annual Survey to investigate the social care services offered by non-profit and for-profit hospitals, finding that the former offer about 36% more. The researchers also report that hospitals in states with no additional community benefit requirements offer fewer social care services.

See the article as it appears on the The Milbank Quarterly - Wiley Online Library site

Michigan's nonprofit hospitals get big tax breaks. They don't always give much in return.

Matthew Miller

This news article uses Lown Institute and CBI data to assess the value of Michigan nonprofit hospitals' tax value against their community benefit spending. They discuss the various categories of community benefit spending and the impact of state regulations on hospitals' actions.

See the article as it appears on the MLive site

Text Analysis of Trends in Health Equity and Disparities From the Internal Revenue Service Tax Documentation Submitted by US Nonprofit Hospitals Between 2010 and 2019: Exploratory Study

Emily Hadley; Laura Haak Marcial; Wes Quattrone; Georgiy Bobashev
JMIR Publications

This study aims to determine the extent to which the free-response text in F990H reveals how nonprofit hospitals address health equity and disparities, including alignment with public priorities.

See the article as it appears on the JMIR Publications site

Trends in the Provision of Community-Building Activities by Nonprofit Hospitals, 2010-2019

Singh, Simone R. PhD; Cronin, Cory PhD; Puro, Neeraj PhD; Franz, Berkeley PhD
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

This JPHMP article examines trends in Community-Building Activities (CBAs) in the 2010s, finding that while the number of hospitals reporting CBA spending hovered around 60%, the amount of spending as a proportion of total operating expenditures halved, from 0.04% to 0.02%.

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice site


The Development and Management of Community Benefit Insight: A Web-Based Resource That Aggregates US-Based Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Spending Data.

Alexa Ortiz, Wes Quattrone, Marcia Underwood, Michal Zmuda, La Sonya A. Goode, Chris Saur, Jenna Frkovich, Laura Marcial

This RTI Press publication authored by CBI team members provides background on the development, maintenance, and use of the CBI tool.

See the article as it appears on the RTI Press site

Assessing Concordance Across Nonprofit Hospitals' Public Reporting on Housing as a Community Health Need in the Era of the Affordable Care Act

Chen, K. L., et al.
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

This brief report uses the CBI database to identify nonprofit hospital organizations with acute care facilities in communities with the highest rates of homelessness as it relates to housing as a social determinant of health.

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice site

State Regulation and Hospital Community Benefit Spending in Medicaid Expansion States

Qingqing Sun, Thomas Luke Spreen
Duke University Press

This Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law publication uses CBI data to analyze non-profit hospital spending on charity care in Medicaid expansion states.

See the article as it appears on the Duke University Press site

Do Nonprofit Hospitals Evaluate Their Community Benefit Activities?

Stabler, H. S. and J. W. Begun
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

A JPHMP publication uses CBI data to identify hospitals and determine how they are addressing their community's priority health needs in the state of Minnesota.

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice site


Understanding the Aggressive Practices of Nonprofit Hospitals in Pursuit of Patient Debt

Eliason, E. L., et al.
Oxford University Press

A Health & Social work publication uses CBI data to identify characteristics of hospitals that identify and predict the use of aggressive practices against patients. This publication intends to inform policy that protects patients and holds hospitals accountable.

See the article as it appears on the Oxford University Press site

Tracking Community Benefit Spending

Ortiz, Alexa
The Medical Care Blog

Medical Care Blog post, authored by a CBI team member Alexa Ortiz, discusses community benefit spending and the need to ensure alignment with community needs.

See the article as it appears on the Medical Care Blog site

Assessing Concordance Across Nonprofit Hospitals' Public Reporting on Housing as a Community Health Need in the Era of the Affordable Care Act

Chen, Katherine L. MD; Chen, Kevin MD, MHS; Holaday, Louisa W. MD; Lopez, Leo III MD, MHS
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

JPHMP publication uses CBI data to assess how nonprofit hospitals document needs and investments related to housing on their Community Health Needs Assessments.

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice's site

A multilevel mixed-effects regression analysis of the association between hospital, community and state regulatory factors, and family income eligibility limits for free and discounted care among U.S. not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), hospitals, 2010 to 2017

Jason N Mose

A BMC Health Services Research study that employs CBI data as a component to investigate the hospital, community, and state regulatory factors and their association with family income eligibility for free/discounted care.

See the article as it appears on the PubMed site


Visualizing Community Benefits Podcast

The Measure of Everyday Life - Interview with Jamie Pina
The Measure of Everyday Life logo

Learn how community benefit expenditure data can be visualized to facilitate public discussion and address community health needs in this Measure of Everyday Life podcast episode.

Hear the podcast at 'The Measure of Everyday Life'

Community Benefit Insight: Promoting Transparency to Inspire Action

Family standing in grassy area outside hospital

Impact story that describes how community benefit expenditure requirements have changed over the years and how the Community Benefit Insight tool is working to connect the dots between community benefit expenditures and community health needs.

See the story as it appears on the RTI International site

Investments in Community Building Among Nonprofit Hospital Organizations in the United States

Kevin Chen, MD, MHS1; Katherine L. Chen, MD2; Leo Lopez III, MD, MHS1
Research Letter Health Policy October 23, 2020

See how CBI data was used in this JAMA Network Open publication to examines investments in community building among nonprofit hospital organizations in the US.

See the article as it appears on the JAMA Network Open site

Shifts in Community Benefits Spending Among Nonprofit Hospitals in Nebraska and 10 Proximate States, 2012 and 2015

Palm, David PhD; Pacino, Valerie MPH; Grimm, Brandon PhD
Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

See how CBI data was used in this JPHMP publication to compare community benefits spending by nonprofit hospitals across Nebraska & several other states in 2012 & 2015

See the article as it appears on the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice site