Community Impact

CBI is proud to partner with community based organizations to use our data to improve local community benefit spending and accountability efforts.

State Reports

CBI worked with Community Catalyst and community groups in Colorado, Florida, and Georgia to develop Community Benefit Spending reports for each state. These reports provide a background on community benefit spending and present a comparison of selected local, state, and national spending in each state. They also offer recommendations for stakeholders at each of these levels to support hospital accountability efforts.


Colorado report


Colorado report


Colorado report

Vermont longitudinal analysis

The Vermont Office of the Health Care Advocate recently completed a longitudinal analysis of the value of Vermont hospital tax exemptions relative to the value of the community benefit provided using Form 990 and state tax data. We undertook this effort to further our goal of having a minimum community benefit provision standard for Vermont’s hospital budget regulatory process. Vermont’s regulator, the Green Mountain Care Board, informed us that, to incorporate community benefit provision into the hospital budget process, we needed national and regional benchmarks. The CBI data allows us to construct such benchmarks and we are currently in the early stages of developing national and regional benchmarks from the CBI data and working with Vermont’s regulator to incorporate community benefit provision metrics into state regulation.